Tableau – prices & services

At INEKON SYSTEMS we offer licences, customized training and assistance services
for every company.

You are a user who needs basic training:

Training content:

a) Tableau Prep: Familiarization with the environment; connection to data sources; data cleaning (filtering, modification of incorrectly entered values, division into multiple columns,…); creation of calculated fields (new column or modification of an existing one); union of tables (joining under each other); aggregation of data to the same level; joining tables (joining side by side); pivot (conversion of data from columns to rows); saving or publishing the data model – output

Tableau Creator I.


b) Tableau Desktop: Familiarization with the environment; connection to data sources; metadata editing; Live x Extract; making dimensions clearer (creation of hierarchies and folders); working with filters (for the analyst, for the consumer); Table Calculation (% of the whole, % difference from the reference value…); Dual Axis; date work (Continuous x Discrete setting of the fiscal year); Reference line; Trend; Forecast; calculated fields (KPI); map documents; saving the file (twbx).

Date of the course: on request
Place: online
Duration: approx. 4 hours depending on participant involvement
Other: You will need your own computer with the latest version of Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep installed for the training.

The training takes place with a minimum of 4 participants. You must register for the training with a min. of 2 working days before the training day

You are a user who needs basic training:

Training content:

a) Tableau Desktop: dashboard creation splitting the screen into logical units; inserting visualizations or text; setting actions; Story creation; parameterization; stacked calculated fields and advanced table calculation (e.g. pareto analysis); moving average (watch out for granularity); linking multiple data sources (data blending); saving or publishing dashboards (workbooks)

b) Tableau Server / Cloud: familiarization with the environment; differences in creating workbooks/dashboards versus Desktop (what I can’t do on the web); share; embed, download (setting rights restrictions)

Creator II.


c) Visual Analytics: (what charts to use for certain analyses – from the BBD book)

Date of the course: on request
Place: online
Duration: approx. 4 hours depending on participant involvement
Other: You will need your own computer with the latest version of Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep installed for the training.

The training takes place with a minimum of 4 participants. You must register for the training with a min. of 2 working days before the training day

You need customized help or support:

The goal of expert support is to address user requests during routine use of the Tableau platform. This service may also include feedback on the outputs created or procedures applied, or addressing specific analyses or dashboards. The form of support can be remote (email, video conference, telephone) or physical (at the supplier’s or customer’s premises).

Are you interested in more? Contact our Tableau specialists.

support assistance


All prices are exclusive of VAT.

Do you have any other questions about pricing or products?  Contact us and we will be happy to discuss everything with you personally.

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Read the latest news from financial planning and BI data processing, as well as invitations to interesting events and webinars. We will send you inspiring content a maximum of 4 times a year.

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