STC: The state is a demanding client, but with a quality management system, their wishes can be fulfilled.

How it was

The State Printing Works of Securities (STC) is as important as it was almost 100 years ago when our central banknote production plant started. Only the time is different, more modern, with ever larger, and often very specific, requirements. In short, STC produces everything we carry in our wallets, i.e. paper notes and identity papers. But it also focuses on production of securities for government organizations.
The state is a very demanding client – everything must work like clockwork, the right answers must always be prepared for everything. Our BNS has been helping with this to a large extent since 2007. After 13 years, it was necessary to connect the established system with the new ERP system and at the same time upgrade it to BNS 4. In the new version, web dashboards are launched, which will bring new perspectives to the decision-making of STC management, and thus also contribute to the best possible information support for the compilation of a financial plan in BNS.



Easily accessible data for everyone

Thanks to the web environment, the data is accessible to a key group of users. Although they all see the same numbers, they can look at them from their point of view. This is crucial for a correct understanding and interpretation because everyone is looking for what can affect their work. Understanding the data and knowledge of the origin of the values and their factors in the report are also essential for the economic management of the company.


Dashboards are easy for anyone to handle

Flexibility and the ability to customize dashboards quickly without the need for external partner intervention is definitely a welcome advantage. Even from the point of view of the costs of a possible modification of the tool, which in this case is eliminated. With a little practice, users can handle simple adjustments themselves, and the graphical capabilities of the tool entice further improvements.


Support for matrix calculations

If production runs through a number of different production centers and machines, the complexity of cost budgeting, monitoring, and evaluating the production and economic data can be considerable. The BNS system not only handles common types of calculations in STC but also supports matrix calculations of secondary costs, which are very important and decisive in the business process for calculating profitability.


Connection to a new printing system

BNS understands other systems. The connection to CICERO, a new specialized system for printers, which replaced the previous solution in STC, went well. The experience of INEKON SYSTEMS consultants, who have been taking care of STC since 2007, and the flexibility of BNS, which dealt with the differences between the original and new data sources, contributed to this.

Ing. Milan Drahoňovský

Milan Drahoňovský


With the help of BNS, our goal is to bring and present economic values, controlling views to a wider group of key executives so that they can better plan, evaluate, eliminate discrepancies and interpret economic data in the context of their work. The proactive approach and expertise of the consultants, which we greatly appreciate, contribute to our successful and long-term cooperation with INEKON SYSTEMS.

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