DEK: A good management support system will take you through a crisis to a future without accidents.

How it was

The year was 2008 and the world was in depression. At that time, DEK was changing from one company to a holding structure, so suddenly, regardless of the crisis, “smarter” management was needed. There were several reasons for this. In the group, in contrast to an individual company, it is necessary to look after several aspects – for example, mutual invoicing between companies. Simply put, for example, one has revenue, the other must have the same cost. One has a receivable, the other a liability. These relationships must also be guarded in the plan. And in addition to the technical side, there is also the ideological side: are the group’s revenues as valuable as services from an external customer? And if not, will it be possible to evaluate both correctly?
The improvement of management in the subsequent multi-year construction crisis was the second benefit of the deployment of BNS. Thanks to this, it was possible to effectively plan and optimize costs in greater detail and context. And this paid off in another difficult period in 2020, given the uncertainty caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Thanks to clear cost management and a focus on areas with high added value, the company can continue to grow even today.



Everyone understands visualization

In reporting, visualization is a great advantage. Thanks to it, each responsible person can control the area for which they are responsible. If a problem appears on the horizon, the employee obtains information and the system guides them to more detailed analysis and to timely reporting or, according to their responsibility, to a decision.


Unlimited number
of users

Mobile reporting and clear planning allow you to involve as many key people from individual companies within the holding in the processes as needed. It is not a problem to handle even large amounts of data. The advantage is also efficient user management, enabling individual settings for data access.


Help on the way
out of the crisis

Improving management through system support can help on the way out of the crisis. If you can find reserves in performance, make better use of existing capacity or correctly identify higher value-added orders, the chances of avoiding a simple solution in the form of forced cost cuts are higher.


according to needs

Thanks to its flexibility and modular system, BNS enables adaptation and development according to the needs of a specific company. At the same time, it is possible to draw on the experience of INEKON SYSTEMS, the solutions of its customers or even to develop new solutions in cooperation. BNS gives space to experimentation and imagination.

Jan Bolek

Jan Bolek


I would recommend BNS to all companies where the complexity of processes – production, business, organizational – exceeds the possibilities of their optimization in one head of the owner or CEO. In such a case, the potential benefits will almost certainly exceed the purchase price, it is just a matter of discovering them.
It is still convincing me, personally, with its ability to plan. Everyone can show data, but they can cleverly plan, in all the necessary details (time, companies, centers, items), this is a completely different level. Without BNS, we would certainly not have prepared plans and budgets for all the evaluated companies of the group today. Not only does this system allow us to manage the entire planning process, but it is also user-friendly, even for many colleagues outside the finance department.

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