Purchasing, Inventory and Suppliers

The modules complement each other and function as a perfect building block.

Keep track of what your business needs!

The BNS Purchasing module informs you of the need for key inputs for your business, which are derived from annual plans or forecasts. The Suppliers module will let you know which suppliers are best placed to help you with your business supply, and the Inventory module will inform you not only of the current status of these resources, but also of finished goods in stock.

A perfect overview of what you have, what you need to buy, from whom and when will bring faster and more correct decisions. This is important at all times. The Purchasing, Inventory and Suppliers modules are actively used in many companies, not only in connection with the Sales Performance, Variable Cost or Production modules.

The Purchasing, Inventory and Suppliers modules deliver:

  • An always up-to-date purchasing plan thanks to interfacing with other BNS modules (e.g. Sales Performance, Variable Cost or Production).
  • Easy and immediate evaluation of individually purchased or manufactured items, or even entire product groups, according to actual stock levels and inventory trends.
  • Constant overview of indicators such as quantity, price, exchange rate. It’s up to you whether you choose to look in strategic groups or individual items of material.
  • Easily translate your purchasing plan into management and statutory reports.
  • Evaluate the creditworthiness of your suppliers to decide who to rely on for strategic raw materials and components.


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