Penam: With BNS, we get a fast answer to every question and with it greater certainty that the decisions in a given situation will be the best.

How it was

At the beginning, there was a need to find an open management information system that could be developed on its own, or together with the supplier, in all areas of corporate reporting. Due to the convenient web interface, modern graphics and the possibility of more detailed analyses in the well-known Excel environment, the choice fell on BNS. In addition to PENAM, the parent company Agrofert, United Bakeries, Synthesia, Lovochemie, Preol, Duslo, Primagra, ZZN Polabí and Navos currently use it for managerial support.




Finding the right number of reports and KPI indicators and unifying the reporting of one KPI for various reports is based on the same principles in the field of chemistry and, for example, baking. The calculation systems and the view of product economics are similar and BNS draws on its own experience.



There is nothing more pleasant than when a question is asked at a management meeting about the sale of, for example, poppy seed buns, and you present their sales, profitability and trends for the last period in two minutes. BNS allows you to track all products, partners, and brands in deep detail.


Analyses always
on time

Real KPIs after the monthly closing reach the desk of management so quickly that controllers have plenty of time to analyse deviations and find out what happened in the company in the previous period compared to the plan. And in all the necessary details.


from experts

In BNS 4.0, you can easily and clearly create easy-to-understand web dashboards. And not only that. Controllers can adjust the system to current needs without depending on external cooperation with the MIS supplier.

Jan Stoklasa

Jan Stoklasa

Member of the Board of Directors of PENAM and Financial Director of Lovochemie

With BNS, we have an effective and quick tool that helps in everyday activities for managerial decision-making and company management. What we especially appreciate about it are its visualization capabilities, which simplify orientation in a large number of customers and products. Last but not least, it simplifies the work of controllers and we acquire available reports significantly earlier than before implementation.

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