SHP Group: MIS must offer users knowledge of interrelationships that are not obvious at first glance

How it was

As the largest producer of hygienic papers in Central and Southeastern Europe with a turnover of EUR 220 mil., the SHP group was looking for a management information system that would fulfill the role of the main tool for controlling the company’s management. The group needed to obtain a single source of information and automate the calculations of corporate KPIs. Furthermore, the managers of the SHP group set themselves the goal of reducing the time required to compile linked plans and reports. At the same time, it was necessary to eliminate errors that inevitably arise during manual data processing in MS Excel.
Of all the possibilities, the BNS system won and since 2020 has been helping manage sales, center budgets, personnel costs and evaluate the profitability of products and customers.



Different versions
of development scenarios

BNS has significantly streamlined the planning process. Thanks to a wide range of methods for creating business plans and budgets with top-down and bottom-up systems, it is an added value not only in creating an annual tactical plan or forecasts, but also allows the preparation of different versions of development scenarios.


Quickly, gradually,
however, as you want

The tool for streamlining the creation of sales estimates in 8 companies within the group located in 5 countries in Europe was put into operation in the record short time of only 1.5 months. Implementation continued according to the needs and the chosen pace of SHP with other modules for evaluating the consumption of variable costs in production, drawing fixed costs, and profitability of products and customers.


Flexibility for own

There is no need to give up anything that is established and tested in the company. SHP Group uses its own methodologies of variance analysis, which it has been honing for a long time, so it wanted to keep them in the newly implemented BNS system. However, thanks to the flexibility of the concept, it was no problem to incorporate the tried and tested concepts into the entire system.


Not just for controllers,
but for everyone

Company management data is not only available to controllers, all users of the system can see and use it for their work, regardless of which part of the organization they are from. Although the data in the company point to “one truth”, BNS involves them in the company’s management process and supports their responsibilities.

Ing. Richard Zigmund

Richard Žigmund


I believe that in the environment of our industry, it is essential that management tools include the depth – the level of detail that is needed to isolate and cluster the root causes of deviations. It must also bring ‘intelligence’ – offering users knowledge of the interrelationships of elements in large sets that are not obvious at first glance. Thanks to BNS, we managed to fulfill this. At BNS, we have “one truth” and at the same time, this tool is involved in performance management processes and supports their “accountability”.

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