MALL Group: BNS can quickly adapt to changes in the market and help companies keep up

How it was

When a holding of such a size as the MALL Group is born, there are always a number of new challenges. There are many things to deal with, such as the fact that each company has a different accounting system and a different reporting methodology. That is why it was decided at MALL Group to unite and guide everything with the help of BNS. It has been used to support controlling management processes since 2018. And it is still being developed along with experts from INEKON SYSTEMS. BNS works as a perfectly thought-out puzzle, to which newer and newer pieces can be added all the time. They make full use of this in the holding to satisfy the growing new requirements.



A set of
partial plans

Any detailed plans, such as sales, marketing, shipping to customers, labour costs, other operating costs and capital expenditures, automatically interact with each other. The planning process is simpler and the possibility of errors is minimal.


is simple

Plans are created on the principle of extrapolation of past values with the possibility of versioning or locking for unwanted additional adjustments. Thanks to the values of the facts that flow into the already created budgets from the primary system, easy evaluations can be performed.


Gradual implementation

The modular BNS system makes it possible to deal with everything gradually. From the places where the shoe pinches the most, such as the integration of input data of individual entities into a meaningful whole, to such tweaks as consolidation statements according to the various information needs of banks and shareholders.



It does not matter that the field of business is accompanied by frequent dynamic changes requiring adjustments in the structure of the holding, new acquisitions or services, which are associated with modifications in entities, centres and in the managerial profit and loss statement. BNS can easily adapt to all changes.

Ing. Leoš Brabec

Leoš Brabec

Controlling Director

The rapid success of the BNS after its implementation certainly encouraged us to further our ambitions. However, from the very beginning, we imagined a comprehensive system support for planning and reporting, which would reflect our business model and the thinking of responsible managers in individual areas. BNS has met this expectation and continues to adapt to our further needs. In this context, the high level of expertise, helpfulness and commitment of INEKON SYSTEMS experts, who are always at hand at all times, is also very important. This is despite our often ambitious solution in terms of deadlines.

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