BNS implementation procedure

4 steps to successful planning

How do we implement BNS?

The Business Navigation System is a fully modular system that we design for you so that the customer only uses the features and modules they actually need. The implementation of the system takes place in several subsequent steps.

Step 1

First contact and free presentation

Already at the first meeting we try to find out the specific needs of each customer. The aim is to evaluate whether the solution we offer will fully meet your expectations and requirements for a new management information system.

During the initial contact, we obtain important information that we use in the subsequent free presentation of one of our sample sector solutions (for manufacturing, automotive, engineering, transport or trade). It is important for us to focus on specific areas of your needs where our industry solutions overlap and where we may differ. After presenting and answering our questions, we are usually able to prepare a framework offer. We will be glad if you contact us to convince you in person.

Step 2

Navigation workshop

The Navigation Workshop (NW) is a two-day “workshop” for management, executives and the customer’s corporate specialists, moderated by experienced INEKON SYSTEMS business analysts. During NW, the requirements for top-level information and strategic planning support for the customer are aligned with the BNS system. The workshop is interactive and illustrated with many practical examples. The NW concludes with the creation and documentation of the initial design of a process and data model for each of the functional areas of performance management. This written output will become the basis for the next step, i.e. the preparation of the Navigation Concept, but is also an important element in the intended update of the operational system to meet the current requirements for company-wide planning.

Step 3

Navigation concept

Based on the outputs of the Navigation Workshop, INEKON SYSTEMS experts will prepare a Navigation Concept (NC), which represents the basic specification document for the implementation of the BNS system. It contains all the key parameters of the proposed system in terms of data and process.

Step 4

BNS implementation

BNS implementation procedures are based on the experience from many similar projects implemented by INEKON SYSTEMS. Based on this experience, we require the active involvement of the client’s professional staff (project manager, module guarantors and BNS administration) in the project. Only in these cases the users are in full control of their system, understand the structure and functions of the BNS system and are able to operate, develop and improve the system effectively on their own (or with the support of the supplier). Our experienced business analysts and ETL specialists are involved in the implementation of the BNS system under the guidance of the project manager.

The actual implementation includes preparation of data from operational systems and other data sources, installation and modification of selected modules, individual training of system administration and users, or increased user support after the start of live operation.



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