Accounts receivable and accounts payable

Keep your cash flow perfectly under control.

The Accounts Receivable & Payable module is like your second memory for the smart management of income and expenses, prioritizing them and making timely decisions.

The Accounts Receivable & Payable module for smart management, prioritization and timely decision making has new features. So you won’t be surprised by deteriorating customer morale, their demands for payment schedules or suppliers arriving to make your payments. You won’t forget about any critical payments with the threat of penalties or loss, or expenses for your employees. With a short-term cash flow solution, you get a second memory in which all planned income and expenses are stored. And you’ll be able to share all this information, which will also be updated daily, in the form of clear dashboards. Try our DEMO!

With the Accounts Receivable & Payable module you will get:

  • Simple and intuitive planning of operational cash flow in BNS.
  • Planning with any level of detail: for days, weeks, months.
  • An overview of customer payment morale influenced by e.g. the market situation.
  • Safely transfer open receivables and payables to the plan.
  • System for modelling different crisis scenarios for cash flow development.
  • Possibility of manual corrections and payment calendars for a specific customer.
  • Compilation of operational cash flow on demand or at regular intervals.

Modelling – that's what it's all about

Dashboard - pohledávky a závazky
Don’t be surprised by the red numbers. Monitor and influence cash flow. You will have in front of you the payment morale of your customers calculated from their current behaviour and usual payment terms. You will be able to compare the payment behaviour of selected groups of payers with each other. Identified threats will be graphically and deviationally highlighted.

The data collected will allow you to model the development of customer revenue on the one hand and how you yourself will be able to meet your commitments on the other. Whenever you want, you can run cash flow simulations in different crisis scenarios. Your important information will be accessible from anywhere. You can work from your computer, mobile or tablet.

BNS adapts to you. You will have a permanent and unbiased view of the company’s financial flows. This will allow you to react flexibly to impending danger in a decisive and timely manner.

BNS against the pitfalls of recession:

  • Changes come gradually, at first you will notice a drop in sales, a reduction in revenue and a weakening of the flow of money into the company.
  • Across the chain, customers are having trouble paying their debts on time. This fundamentally affects cash flow management in companies. They are then forced to reassess the expenditure side, especially in the area of investments.
  • As banks’ operating loans are partly secured by receivables, the possibility of drawing on them is reduced in times of recession. This leads to the need for cash flow planning, both operational, with details for days and weeks, and tactical, with a view for several months.
  • With the new Accounts Receivable & Payable module, you will have a tool in your hands that puts your company’s operational cash flow completely in your hands.

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